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Solar Thermal

Reduce your heating bills with solar thermal

Solar thermal is the original solar technology, and has been in use for over forty years. It harnesses solar energy to provide hot water saving you money. Properties are becoming more thermally efficient as they are better insulated. This means that the proportion of power used to heat water becomes a greater part of total energy use. Solar thermal reduces this proportion and increases the efficiency of the main heating source used.

Solar thermal is an excellent renewable energy source with great versatility in terms of installation.

The Renewable Heat Premium Payment provides £600.00 towards the cost of your system. This is an advance payment from what will become the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme in 2014. All new systems installed under the RHPP will be eligible to benefit from the new scheme.

Currently there are interest free loans offered by the Energy Savings Trust in Scotland which can be used towards the cost of installation.

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